Alpin Loacker Outdoor Online Shop aus Österreich. Alles für deine Bergfreunde

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Entdecke unsere exklusiven Winter-Angebote

Zwei Personen liegen in Schlafsäcken auf einem Berg, passend für Alpinloacker's Outdoor-Angebote wie Schlafsäcke und Merino-Kleidung.
Geschäftsführer Alpin Loacker
Felix Loacker loves the mountains and has several years of experience in mountain sports. Ever since he can remember, he has been fascinated by peaks and untouched nature. He feels free and alive in the mountains. They are his home and a place where he leaves his comfort zone, hikes, goes ski touring, climbs and rides his mountain bike.

Sleeping outside is the epitome of freedom for most people. No wonder! After all, we feel especially close to nature here. The head becomes free. The often stressful everyday life falls away from us and we can finally feel our own self again. Spending the night outdoors is therefore the greatest gift you can give yourself!

So that your outdoor overnight stay becomes an absolute highlight, you will find in our assortment high-quality outdoor equipmentthat delivers what it promises: the most restful sleep of your life. Are you ready for the next dimension of unique sleeping comfort?

What equipment do I need to sleep outside?

Besides a light tentBivy sack or alight hammockyour equipment should also include the following:

Camping mat:
For maximum sleeping comfort, we recommend you use a sleeping mat. You

  • protects you optimally from ground cold
  • and provides a comfortable lying feeling.

Because who likes to sleep on the hard floor? Our ultralight wonder weighs just once 460 g and fits due to the small pack size in each hiking backpack.

Sleeping bag:
Also aDown sleeping bag should not be missing from any outdoor overnight stay. It gives you cozy security and reliably protects you from cooling down.

Travel pillow:
Have you ever tried to sleep without a pillow? Not very comfortable, is it? So that you the next morning without neck pain without neck pain, you should inflatable travel pillow don't forget.

Our Seat cushion for mountain lovers is a multi-talent and can be used for sleeping and sitting.

What is the difference between the summer sleeping bags and winter sleeping bags?

Summer and winter sleeping bags distinguish differ in their Filling weight.

  • The higher the amount of down used,
  • the better the insulation performance.

In winter sleeping bags, the amount of down is higher so that you are better protected from the cold. However, the temperature sensation is very individual.

Since many people already feel an outside temperature of 10 degrees as cold, we recommend you the use of a Down Pro 4-season down sleeping bag.

In it you can comfortably sleep at any temperature Sleep outdoors.

Sleep outside: what are the options?

If you like sleep under the open sky would like, you have several options at your disposal.

  • The simplest option represents a waterproof and windproof bivy sack which is put over the sleeping bag.
  • Also a hammock is also suitable for your nightly adventure. The advantage is obvious: your luggage is very small. However, in summer you are not protected from uninvited guests or surprising weather changes.
  • A tent on the other hand offers you maximum protection from wind, cold, rain and insects. Especially our ultralight tents make sleeping outdoors a pure pleasure. Thanks to their small pack size and weight, they are easy to transport even on longer tours.

If you don't want to use either a hammock or a tent for your outdoor overnight stay, our lightweight Tarp is a suitable alternative. It offers you optimal protection from wind and rain and is built up in no time.

Tips for sleeping outside - depending on the season

No matter what season you want to sleep outside: You should always have the weather on your radar. At Thunderstorm and storm you should not stay in the nature better postpone.

If you Challenges and don't shy away from wind and rain, you should definitely a tent and a waterproof sleeping bag use. Otherwise, a cold is literally pre-programmed.

Regardless of the weather, a good campsite is crucial. The ground should be as level as possible so that you can sleep comfortably outdoors.

Your equipment should also include a flashlight in case you need to go to the bathroom in the dark.

Expert tipRemember to take biodegradable toilet paper with you. By the way, you can store your garbage in a garbage bag until the next garbage can. Alternatively, you can also use stainless steel lunch boxes and water bottles. That way, you don't end up with any trash in the first place.

If you want to enjoy a hot cup of coffee the next morning or even a cup of coffee Cook outdoors a camping stove and suitable equipment may not be missing.

Sleep outside in winter

At Winter sleeping under the open sky can be a real challenge. Unless you have the suitable equipment at your side.

  • With our winter sleeping bag,
  • the matching tent,
  • warming Merino Clothing 
  • and also in thingsSocks questions even sleeping outside at sub-zero temperatures becomes a cozy pleasure.

Sleeping outside in summer

Also in the summer there are a number of things to consider. Of course, the Sleeping outdoors at this time of year is much more pleasant than in autumn and winter due to the higher temperatures.

However, you also share the sleeping place with numerous insects. So you can still spend a pleasant night outdoors, you should definitely use a protective tent tent. So mosquitoes and co. go empty.

Is it allowed to spend the night outside in Germany?

In contrast to other countries, the following applies in Germany the so-called Everyman's Right not. Many attractive places are under nature protection and unfortunately fall out as a potential sleeping place.

However, this does not mean that you have to give up your outdoor overnight stay. There are still plenty of options.

How do I find suitable places to sleep outside?

The easiest way to sleep in nature represents a private property private property. This does not have to be your own. You will be surprised how many farmers and forest owners allow you an overnight stay, if you ask them politely.

Alternatively, there are also so-called trekking sites where you can set up camp. On the website 1nitetent you will find a extensive list.  


A Night outdoors gives you a feeling of freedom and naturalness. With the right equipment and preparation, sleeping outside becomes a true experience.

But pay attention to the right camp - or sleeping place. It is important that you adhere to the Rules of the respective country. Sleeping outside is not allowed everywhere - and don't forget: We are only guests in nature.


What is the best type of equipment for sleeping outdoors?

For sleeping outdoors you need a good quality sleeping mat, a sleeping bag with the right temperature rating, a waterproof tarp or tent, and a headlamp. It's also important to keep warm by wearing clothing in layers.

How can I improve my outdoor sleeping experience?

To improve your outdoor sleeping experience, optimize your equipment and planning in advance. Make sure you have enough water and food to keep your energy up.